18/12/2011 thenation.com 🇬🇧 #61184

 Des manifestants campent à « wall Street »

Watch: Michael Moore, Naomi Klein and Others on What's Next for Ows

On Thursday, November 10 at 8pm, The New School in New York City hosted Occupy Everywhere: On the New Politics and Possibilities of the Movement Against Corporate Power, a discussion featuring award-winning filmmaker and author Michael Moore (Here Comes Trouble), best-selling author and Nation columnist Naomi Klein (The Shock Doctrine), Nation National Affairs correspondent William Greider (Come Home, America), Colorlines Publisher Rinku Sen (The Accidental American), Occupy Wall Street Organizer Patrick Bruner and Richard Kim, executive editor,  The Nation.com (moderator). Sponsored by The Nation and The New School.

Watch the recording of the event here and visit The Nation's  special section front on Occupy Wall Street for more coverage of the movement.

