21/07/2012  4min 🇬🇧 #70008

 The world peace invitation and release of technology

Transfer of Keshe Foundation Know-how to world governments

by: billofrights1689

Please, please, please do not limit the handover of this technology to Governments. All they will do is agree to suppress it for use by the elite.

It's far too important to be trusted to those who have lied to us and murdered innocent people for centuries.

All the governments will do is transfer the technology into existing power plants, upscale the output, cut the cost of production by a huge amount and increase the price to the people - IN EVERY COUNTRY!!!

Please consider letting the people have use of it and not just the governments.

by: moonwhammer

Mr Keshe, all honours to your best intentions but I am agree with all sceptical voices hereto. We can not leave such a desition into the hand of polititians of whatever nature. We never ever shall be that naive (native) while having enough of it since the first industrial revolution.
This is not the DNA code nor SETI, this is hard and brutal energy business and deep toxic financial stink builded around this. We need you to think in this and having thought already far.

The world united your are calling for doesnt exist and human aint ready to make step forward as a solid collective you are expecting. Indeed the world is governt by economic blocks of first grade, emerging markets and third world. The government and UN show is just this, a show.
Knowing all this and leaving the blank cheque with the governments is worse than facing competitors hitman. Much worse.
The same financial attitude having suddenly destroyed our earth and half of human population will pick up on it, put it into a black box or domain again by brutally cold and speculative force.

I am deeply in a worry now because your technology shall be imposed in the name of humanity and environment and could end in civil war if THEY receive the knowledge and put it in a box of business strategy.

Understanding also the protective thoughts attached but there will be no protection nor fairness. The ruling countries on this globe are petrol mining and gas mining countries, cars, crafts, chems, refineries, energy and comunication corps in their own backyard. And the UN such as the bankers are dancing the same party.

A global industrial network would be faster, more active and a from yourself created currency to trade the issue the best protection ever. I am willing to discuss this in detail because it isnt that crazy it sounds. We cant fight the devil but we can eliminate his fork.

You/We consequently do all steps necessary and not stopping half way down.

The only thing can be done now is forwarding presize conditions to those countries arriving to the meeting. They will breech them anyway but you have done as best as possible of declaring this of human property and not of government property.

Hope to be of further assistance

Horst G Ludwig

That is my great concern too, I just was undecided to express it. I don't have ANY trust in governments and states (in general and the local one particularly). They were always enemies of humanity and any power given in their hands will only be put in use against us. We are all hostages to those bandits because we need food to eat and money to pay bills and taxes - funds they use for their own benefit waging wars and policies which have done nothing good to anybody save to make their wallets thicker. We are born in captivity and we live thus all our lifes, always a month away from starvation - people take this situation for granted just because it is ubiquitous and actually they have no choice. If we only can live without eating food (I'll soon be compelled to do it since my savings are depleting and there is no jobs any more) at least, we would be less dependent and wouldn't be hostages any more. And free energy would free us completely. But they'd rather see all mankind gone extinct than to give up their power to control it.

This may seem gloomy, but currently I can't see any reasons for optimism. I couldn't afford to buy a reactor, but I would sell the shirt from my back to buy this technology for mass food production (feeding with basic matters dissolved in water as described here:  keshefoundation.org if it only become available - I'll risk it anyway since the alternative is starvation.

