21/07/2012  3min #70007

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

The wisdom of reality

What is the future of the Man on this planet?


Or do we really need to find space as our refuge from the present mayhem, which the past and the present generations have created out of their worthless greed on this planet.

Do we see the space as escape goat of running from what we have done to ourselves on this planet, and would we carry with the same greed and wants and take these misguided habits with us into space, to work on it in the same way as we have done here.

Would gold and Diamond will have the same values in space, or the real values will be in serving and being there for each other in deep space, where there is no one except hand full of moving lights, and whom do we show these worthless shining earthly gained assets to in the wealth of the space?

I presume we show the shine of these worthless stones to the stars to compare their shininess to show our stupidity?

I wonder sometimes why we scientists put our lives online, just to give the man the chance to carry with the same mess in the universe.

Or would we change once we realise that these clothes we wear are nothing, and nothing, but to hide the reality of our weaknesses and greed's?

What would we say to other creatures of universe once we can communicate with them, that, we produce sophisticated machines in masses to kill each other and called it liberty and westernisation.

And they ask of us, western where! in this universe?

We tell them, for the producers of these so called killing machines, so that a few of these wealth earners from these killing machines, can send their children to private schools, for them to show that they are better rubbers in the name of technology and killing.

Where, these children by their protectors in the name of the creator get abused in these schools to pay back for the hidden sins of their fathers for the murders they commit through these mass technologies!

We tell these, our newly founded universal mariners, that, in our planet, We let our fellow men die of hunger, whereas we deliberately are keeping food locked up in underground and in hidden silos to increase their worthless values!

As for these hiders of the food to buy more lands and shining things and send their children to the same school system.

Where? for goodness sake where! do I tell these men of greed and power-hungry, that give me the freedom of teaching the gods knowledge and in return I give every man a galaxy to own and not a worthless peace of land or a pieces of carbon called diamond on this worthless earth, for him not to be proud of his abuses of his fellow men and his own children as payback.

Which fool and king can refuse this offer of owning a galaxy with all its tangible wealth, which I am offering them, for this mere dust of the earth???

Unless the greed is not the object, but the sadism of control of this worthless nothingness on this planet.

Is It not truly a shame and sad to be called a man, in this vast ocean of wealth of the universe, where everything is freely given and provided by its creator for his created!!!

