03/06/2024 europalestine.com  2min #249770

 Israël commet un massacre effroyable dans la prétendue zone de sécurité de Rafah

Nouveaux massacres d'enfants à Gaza (vidéos)

Images insoutenables que celles de ces enfants palestiniens assassinés lundi par les bombardements israéliens sur la bande de Gaza, diffusées par le Dr Ramy Abdu, d'EuroMed Monitor.

Ci-dessous, les secours ne peuvent rien pour Osman Khalil Mahani, 16 ans, et Kamal Khalil Mahani, tués lundi matin au lever du soleil dans le bombardement de l'appartement familial, situé dans l'immeuble Noorland, indique EuroMed.

Graphic: This morning,  @EuroMedHR's researcher documented an Israeli military attack on an apartment housing a Palestinian family.

The children from the Mahani family were targeted in their apartment on the fourth floor of the Noorland building at 6 a.m. today. The children were...  pic.twitter.com/IkVCL6r94R

- Ramy Abdu|رامي عبده (@RamAbdu)

Graphic: This morning, @EuroMedHR’s researcher documented an Israeli military attack on an apartment housing a Palestinian family.
The children from the Mahani family were targeted in their apartment on the fourth floor of the Noorland building at 6 a.m. today. The children were…

Autre bombardement le même jour dans la zone centrale de la bande de Gaza

Breaking: Children injured in Israeli airstrikes targeting civilian homes in the central area of the Gaza Strip.  #GazaGenocide  pic.twitter.com/JJB0156CkV

- Ramy Abdu|رامي عبده (@RamAbdu)

Breaking: Children injured in Israeli airstrikes targeting civilian homes in the central area of the Gaza Strip. #GazaGenocide


