18/08/2012  3min #70906

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

Gravity and Mass

12 Feb 2011

Present world of science or what is known as Newtonian and Einsteinian physics accept that the mass to be the creator of gravity and all laws of relativity are based on this principle assumption.

But! The reality in the world of physics show a totally different criterion and facts, that the creation of gravitational fields forces created due to interaction of dissimilar polarities magnetic fields, which leads to creation of gravitational or attraction fields of the planet and where the interaction of similar polarities of the same magnetic fields leads to creation of the Magnetic fields (the repulsion fields) of the planet. Where further the interaction and the balancing field forces between the interaction of the same created gravitational fields and the Magnetic fields leads to creation the mass of the dynamically possessed magnetic fields.

Thus the truth is in reverse of what Einsteinans and Newtonian have lead the scientific world to believe and the existence of gravitational and Magnetic fields of the matter leads to creation of its mass and not vice-versa.

This correct redefining of the creation of mass and understanding of this principle has been one of the reasons why the Keshe Foundation has been able to produce systems that can reduce their weight in earth Magravs fields forces and which this has lead to lift and to create motion of our system in respect to the earth fields forces.

The reason for the motion of our reactors is and has been observed to come about and being due to the fact that as far as the Magnetic fields (magnetosphere fields) created and controlled internal by our reactor do not reach the physical boundary of our reactor, our system does not move, and, once these Magnetic fields of the system passes the boundary of the reactor, at this point, then the reactor mass becomes an independent entity compared to the earth Magnetic and gravitational field and mass of the earth and which is at this point that the reactor has to find its Magnetic and gravitational fields (Magravs) forces and its position as a new independent entity in respect to an outside Magravs system of the earth, which this finding of new positioning for our reactor leads to creation of weight of our system in respect to earth similar fields.

Where the increase in Magnetic fields of the system in respect to the earth Magnetic fields leads to reduction of the system's weight in respect to earth Magravs forces, and then as we increase the internally created Magnetic fields forces of the system, that is at this point, where the reactor weight reduces compared to the weight of the earth and then the upward lift and motion of the system is created, while the mass of the system internally in respect to itself remains constant.

Thus understanding the real sequence of events, as creation of the Gravity and its interaction with Magnetic fields forces is the creator of the Mass of an object and not vice-verse, this solves a number of unknowns in the world of physics.

