28/07/2012  2min 🇬🇧 #70231

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

God Particel

These two words used by CERN's themselves are an insult to the stature of the creation and demeaning of the glory of the creator.

Today there is an expectation that the Man will show another point of his immaturity and again put himself on the line of thinking, as'the earth was the centre of the universe' as of the past centuries.

As a physicist's it is rather embarrassing to listen to the news today and as eagerly waited by other misguided and ignorant people for the most advance institute in particle physics CERN's to make a fool of themselves.

Today the 4.7.2012 we are expecting that CERN's to announce officially that they have found the GOD PARTICELS and of Bosons principle to be confirmed.

With much regret if this announcement is to be made, then this puts another point of embarrassing mark on this institute's work in the future.

If these short-sighted scientists could understand that, when as stronger fields reduce in strength and in their interactions, then two forces of nature (gravity and Magnetic fields or Magravs) are created, which their balancing forces (Magnetic and Gravitational fields) leads to creation of mass fields strength, then they will realise that the creation of mass in matter level and is creature's Magravs and field strength dependent.

Thus what is matter or mass to the man is not the same with other creatures of universe and in different fields strength like principle and transition field strength.

With this expected announcement of today, the point to remind these misguided scientists is that then God has many different particles for its different creatures in the universe and similarly, as I always say, these scientists are so ignorant that if they understand the real working of the magnetic fields of the universe, then they themselves are GOD particle as they are unfortunately visible and their ignorant voice audible to us as the rest of the god particle of the universe.

Matter and mass is detectable, when number of similar fields strength interaction becomes at the field strength detection level of the observes amino-acid Magravs strength, that Magravs field strength become at detectable strength in interaction by and in creature's field strength.

Then we call this point of creation the point of appearance and detection of entity for that being and not a GOD particle.

GOD Help us today from this nonsense of the CERN's.


