27/07/2012  2min 🇬🇧 #70227

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

21.9.2012 presentation and otheres

The 21st of September and other presentations of the technologies developed by the Foundation.

We have come to understand that a number of people think that we are going to show our space and energy technology in this presentation and subsequent presentations by the Foundation.

It is important to note that these presentations are and will be frequent events which are and to be organised by the Foundation and these will be used for teaching and not demonstration of any part of the technologies which we have developed.

The first presentation is Tesla and the next is getting planed to be MS and the one after that is plasma technology.

For all these presentations we will invite leading world specialists in their fields to bring the present knowledge in their fields of expertise and compare it with our developments.

We Will never announce when and where we will show any of our technologies and we will never pre-deliver such a message.

As you all know the last time we announced what we are going to show in the space technology ended with nuclear inspection and unannounced police meeting on our research lab and with Foundation materials being secured and sealed under police and governmental nuclear inspection seals on the 25.11.2011 and up today we have not managed to get our materials back or get a licence to be able to do any demonstration.

Until we are given licence by the Belgium authorities we will reframe from demonstrating any technology for not braking the rules and the laws of the nation and for not getting the Foundation into trouble.

In my recent short talk with His Majesty the King of Belgium I explained to his Majesty how we are censored and progress here has become so difficult and not knowing who is behind this process of blocking in Belgium

Please do not expect to see anything as we only show, when we are safe to do so.

M T Keshe

