17/07/2012  9min 🇬🇧 #69829

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

M.t. Keshe was 'kidnapped' in Canada over false nuclear weapons concerns

January 15, 2011

Belgium inventor who claims counter-gravity, propulsion, and free energy generator technologies has been derailed by Ad van den Elshout who has been fraudulently representing the company without authorization, including saying it is involved in nuclear weapons research.

Collage of images prepared by Sterling, showing the Kf logo, superimposed over the  SPECIF image and a Canadian pirate image.

by  Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

It's been over a year since we reported on something from  Stichting the Keshe Foundation in Belgium. Things have been quiet over there, at least from a public knowledge vantage point. But that is not because nothing has been happening. They've been through some severe drama in the past year.

Mehran Tavakoli (MT) Keshe is the one who claims to have a counter-gravity technology and energy generating technology that would enable the kind of flight attributed to UFOs - rapid flight, sudden trajectory change, run on energy harvested freely from the environment. They are involved in research in the sub-plasma nuclear structure. He also claims to have the ability to capture CO2 and methane into liquid form through a nanotechnology and create energy in the process. He also claims to have amazing healing technologies.

Then on January 7, I was informed of the following post by Keshe on his forum:

Since the release of this open letter, we have been furnished with some disturbing evidence from supporters of the foundation that this can explain why the Foundation and its founder have been under such a threat for the past year.

If you know members of press and have contact with them please advise them to keep an eye on this thread, some amazing news to be followed, more amazing than our healing the MS with water and motion of systems with virtually no fuel. We allow you and ask you to post what is to come on this thread anywhere you like on the net.

In the past few days, Mr. Keshe has finally posted some accounts of what has been happening. They are movie material, complete with thugs, theft, corrupt government harassments, spying - all on top of some amazing technology claims. (Perhaps these aren't even the intended announcement; and that will be forthcoming, having to do with a technology?)

The key villain in the saga is  Mr. Ad van den Elshout (Adrianus W.A.J. van den Elshout), who is like  Bob Potchen on steroids. He has registered domains and created bogus business cards to portray himself as the director and owner of the Keshe Foundation. And unbeknownst to the Foundation until recently, he has been going around Europe, China, and Korea misrepresenting the Foundation and drumming up fraudulent business deals in their name.

The posted the following notice on their  About Keshe page

Warning: We are informed that recently a scam was organized trying to collect money from third parties apparently in favor of the Keshe Foundation, Keshe Technologies or as support to build plasma reactor prototypes. Such fraud and deception was organized in Germany by Mr.  Adrianus Van Den Elshout (NL) in an attempt to collect money (25,000.00 Euro) for his personal use. Keshe Foundation, Keshe Technologies or Mr. Mehran Keshe are not responsible for the actions of Mr. Van Den Elshout and disclaim any agreement signed by him. This person is not allowed to present, promote, offer or represent Stichting The Keshe Foundation, Keshe Technologies or Mr. Mehran Keshe in any way.

The most damaging misrepresentation has been his false assertion that the Foundation is involved in research and development of nuclear weapons. This lie is compounded by Mr. Keshe's country of origin being Iran. No wonder the Belgium government had been denying his requests for permits to build a manufacturing facility. Many potential employees were left un-hired, and the technology has been tied up as a result.

This all came to a head last June when Mr. Keshe was traveling to Mexico and was held by the Canadian government for 11 days when he passed through their airport on his way, and was then sent back to Belgium. While wrongfully incarcerated in Canada, he was treated in a manner that resembled some dark tyrannical government with arbitrary rule; ransacking his belongings, copying his proprietary files, stealing his property, abusing his person. Keshe describes this abhorrent treatment for  several pages.

It turns out that Elshout had contacted the Canadian authorities three days prior to Keshe's passing through their airport, which led to this drama.

According to Keshe, he is not the only scientist who has been subjected to this kind of ill treatment in the name of protecting the world from terrorism. He blames the U.S. in part for this saga, saying they are jealous of his technology which he says is a good 50 years ahead of anything we have (publicly) in the West. He says his peaceful propulsion and energy technologies obsolete nuclear technology. He has assigned the technologies to world dissemination for the people of the planet in the case something should happen to him.

He had been invited to be a guest speaker at the Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum ( SPECIF) held at John Hopkins University on February 23 (3:30 pm). He said he was going to demonstrate his technology there, but being denied a Visa, he had to give the presentation via live video conferencing.

His  abstract, if read by someone who doesn't know the difference between conventional nuclear weapons and advanced nuclear research, might misconstrue Keshe's abilities and intentions:

Through new understanding of the construction of neutrons, plasma and its subcomponents of Matter, Antimatter and Dark Matter, and in being able to dilute the Matters of plasma within the confinement of a nuclear based reactor, to untangle and liberate in a controlled way the Matters of the plasma, for the use of their dynamic constituent's magnetic fields, for production of energy, Magnetic fields and gravitational fields; for use in space for creation of energy, lift and motion, using the principle of the plasma dilution technology and gravitational positions of different Matters of the plasma within a simple portable safe nuclear reactor.

It's fascinating stuff.

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