12/07/2012  6min 🇬🇧 #69667

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

Joining The institute as a student

These are questions which have been received from Akano1, and with his permission we are posting the response on the forum that the position of the Foundation in respect to the next year opening of the institute can be made much more clearer for the ones whom wanted to join.


On one of your posts you mentioned that you will be taking students on for April 2012, I was just wondering how does one go about registering for these courses, and how much it would cost, also is there any student loans available?

Also please keep my details for any new experiments that come up, I would like to participate as much as possible.

Ak (Originally from Iran but I live in England for the past 12 years)
I have a degree in Computer Science.

The conditions are not set and as you are aware we will announce the opening date of the institute early next year.

I will be more than glad to inform you of the opening date of applications, but one needs deep understanding of space programming and space technology to be able to enter the courses. In the first year we take one student per nation and competition for Iranian candidate is already very much more than we can handle.



Thanks for the response Mr Keshe, and I'm really sorry to keep bothering you with my questions, you said that I need a deep understanding of the space technology, is there some kind of test before we can study at the institute, also there's a long time left until April 2012, is there anything I can study in the meantime to prepare myself for these courses, also if the competition is too high for Iran, since I lived in England for a long time maybe I can be considered as an English student,


There are so many factors to be sorted that we at the Foundation still are working on them.

As you know most of the technology for space lift was done in our nation three years ago and Iran has announced their spaceship program in March of this year.

Iran is heavily involved in this technology, and most of Iran space universities and institutes are concentrating on this at the moment to such an extent that they have announced such a spaceship program in the past months.

Therefore there are enough Iranians involved in this program, but for example we hope to bring one of the leading Iranian scientists from NASA to be part of the institute as he has been in space program for years and knows deep space program inside out and can be useful for us and NASA future programs, I hope that Iran will appoint a scientist to be in the team independently in the initial year that they will gain our knowledge as the others do that they use these in their independent spaceship programs.

The point to understand is that in the first three years we are taking people with full joint knowledge of at least two sectors of applications of science or science and technology, that is people whom have knowledge of like computer and space or physics together, cosmology and medicine, there are very few scientists in the world whom have gathered these kinds of knowledge and have gained niche expertise in them and we are searching for these types of scientists for the first year.

We have list of people, which we have collected their names and field of work over years and we will headhunt for them for the first year through different agencies around the world once the institute charter is set-out by the legal people.

The institute in the first three years will have one aim and that is to reach Mars by 2014, and this cannot be done with new recruits, whom we have to teach from fresh.

We will consider all applicants and possibly organise a second level course in the second or third year once we have reached our goal.

For example people whom we need urgently is in the field of space communication with full understanding of human brain operation, we know there are couple of scientists whom are working in this sector.

One of the points which has to be completed is the communication systems, which I was running tests on these types of systems before my accident, these systems are very simple but sophisticated.

As I was explaining to one of the members of the Foundation today, one can not be on the back of the moon and as a signal is sent to the Moon for it not to be received by the person on the moon. This is the problem, which NASA has in communicating with its satellites and systems once they are not facing the antenna from the earth or are behind a planet which is not facing the earth.

We are developing non-satellite communication systems that distance and position is and will be irrelevant for receiving and sending information.

That is to say one can receive any information anywhere in the universe without actually a satellite or antenna being directed to it.

This is a system very much like thoughts, impressions, feeling and sensory response system in the human body.

We are developing a communication system, which has already been tested in medical-side of our research that with our systems body can communicate with its parts without actually having any nerve connections direct to it.

This was originally tested about five years ago in Holland, and we could not understand the criterion, but now we have enough knowledge to develop a non-human base system of communication through the same type of communication principle.

Thus we need scientists whom understand the concept of communication in larger term and computer analyses program scientists whom can converts this information to audible and readable programs.

This is not as easy as one thinks, the bases of this is sets in the nano technology of the plasma and how plasmas in any living systems communicate.

Thus as you see, it is not easy just to be computer scientist, one needs the knowledge of neuron and neuron-communication system of the brain that can replicate this in a computer simulation.

Thus as one see, space program is not just lift and go or just show the spaceship, there are lots to be resolved before even one starts leaving the earth surface on a space trip.

The people whom like to see a lift, these are dreamers of the world, the reality to achieve it with safe system is much harder than one can imagine.

Iran and my Foundation will be the leading country and independent organisation in this process and as independent organisation we have seen enough hardship and mistakes in the past space programs by lose of lives by half cooked jobs or cutting corners. The first flight has to be safe before even we contemplate in showing it, that is safe for the system, safe for the passengers and even for the audience.

We are almost there, but from now on we are very open in where we will do our work and where we will show what we have developed.

Our target of 2014 for the Moon and the Mars trips are on target and you have to understand that once you takeoff, going to the Moon is the same as going to the Mars.

There are no differences in these journeys, and the only thing will be initially the duration of the journeys.

I am sure within the first year we will achieve return flight of less than 1 hour for the Moon trip as it will be for takeoff, touchdown and return and then at the same time in the same year the Mars trip will be less than day trip.

Do not forget that we do not fight the forces of the universe as propulsion systems do, but we allow through the Magravs systems, the planets gravitational field force to attract us to them.

The game of propulsion is over, man has to work and operate the way the universal systems operate and we have seen the speed of meteorites, asteroids and cosmic radiations without propulsion engine on them. The speed of our systems will be hundreds of times faster than these objects, as we can tune our reactors field forces to gravitational field forces of these destination planets.

As we always say welcome to the real terms of universal method of motion and not man-made propulsion.

