12/07/2012  2min 🇬🇧 #69666

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

The 19-year-old Egyptian student Aisha Mustafa

InnovationThe 19-year-old Egyptian student Aisha Mustafa has developed a new propulsion system for spacecraft.

The drive system is based on quantum mechanics and chemical reactions instead of fossil fuels or radioactive.

The device of Mustafa is a scientific blend of quantum mechanics, aerospace, chemical reactions and electricity.

Casimir-Polder force Mustafa said that her invention, the energy from spacecraft generates electrical energy produced by the Casimir-Polder force which arises between spaced plates in a vacuum and the zero point energy as the energy of the ground state.Hendrik Casimir and Dirk Polder predicted the Casimir-Polder force in 1948.

The zero energy was already proposed in 1913 by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern.The device uses reflective panels that look like photovoltaic cells to generate extra power.Combustion Rocket EnginesCurrent artificial satellites and spacecraft are subject to burning rocket motors, which usually works by means of the chemical combustion of a suitable fuel such as hydrogen, gasoline, radionuclides, or hydrazine with oxygen or another oxidizing agent (such as liquid oxygen or hydrogen peroxide).

Another type of rocket motor is driven by an ion in which heavy atoms of the noble gas xenon for example, will be ionized, and by means of an electric field accelerated.As an example, creates a space shuttle at the start filled with the use of two vastebrandstofopduwraketten solid fuel and propellant. This fuel mixture composed of ammonium perchlorate, aluminum powder, iron oxide, the polymer or PBAN HTPB and epoxy.

This Thiokol rocket motors provide 1320 tons of thrust per engine at sea level and are attached to the huge central cryogenic fuel tank. They weigh 590 tonnes at launch and together consume about two minutes to 7700 kilograms of propellant.Cheaper, easier and shorter

The physics student at the University of Sohag in Egypt told Egynews that her invention is already patented in the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT).

The 19-year-old added that her invention would be testing at major scientific research institutes so that the device can then be used in future space missions. The new invention will space travel according to analysts, a lot cheaper, easier and shorter.Source: Humanipo.com

