11/07/2012  3min 🇬🇧 #69622

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012


Our Research

Research at VITO aims to develop technological innovations that strengthen our economy and - at the same time - are answers to the following three societal challenges:

Transition towards a society less dependent on fossile fuels.

Fossile energy sources are limited and its use is responsible for climate change. VITO develops policy instruments ( Transition energy and environment) and technologies ( Energy technology) that facilitate transition to a more sustainable energy system.

Transition towards a more sustainable industry in Flanders.

Growth of Flemish industry suffers from the global pressure on available natural resources and on high local environmental pressure. Chemical industry is at the heart of our economy and its sustainable growth would benefit from a better use of biomass resources and more efficient coupled conversion and separation processes ( Separation and conversion technology). Manufacturing industry requires innovative solutions to cope with resource scarcity ( Materials Technology). New analytical methods and chromatographical separation technologies allow isolation of high added value chemical products from biomass (Enviromental analysis and technology).

Improved quality of life by a better use of our environment.

Flanders' complicated and dense urban and industrial network strongly complicates crucial spatial changes required to find answers for impacts from climate change, resource scarcity, demographical changes, biodiversity challenges etc.. VITO develops instruments that give a better view of our complex environment ( Remote Sensing), that make better forecasts of spatial interactions ( Environmental modelling) and that improve environmental impact on our quality of life ( Environmental risk and health).

