10/07/2012  19min 🇬🇧 #69585

 Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012

Was Us Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer?

An United States advanced militairy drone, spying above Iran territory in no-fly zone, was captured by Iran on the date of December 4th 2011. The drone was not crashed, not shot out of the air, but safely captured by an Iranian aircraft, based on Keshe technology. Obama asked polite to get their drone back.

In the following articles you can read the Pesn.com coverage, find the answer from Mr. Keshe, and listen to the interview with him, made later that week, where he explains what's happening.

Link to the answer of Mr. Keshe and the forum discussion on our site


NBC coverage

 CNN article CBS coverage

RT coverage (russian television) Iranian TV
CNN coverage (falling leaf decent & authicity!)

 Al Jazeera coverage

From the CNN article:  edition.cnn.com

One U.S. official said right now the U.S. can't be certain it's the real stealth drone, because U.S. personnel don't have access to it. But he added there's no reason to think it's a fake.

However, a second senior U.S. military official said that a big question is to how the drone could have remained virtually intact given the high altitude it is believed to have crashed from.

If the drone came down in what he called a flat spin or what is known as a falling leaf departure, the plane would be pretty much intact, but the belly would be badly scraped. He said all of the electronics inside would most likely be in one piece.

Sweetman doubts the Iranians hacked into the system and took control of the aircraft. It is much more likely it crashed by itself since "that's what drones do."

And the condition also suggests it was not shot down but was a system failure. There are no burn marks from a fire, no holes and no outward damage. Sweetman noticed a dent along the leading edge but doesn't know what that necessarily means.

Articles from Pesn and radio interview

Radio interview with Allan Sterling and Mehran Keshe about the incident


Part I: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer?

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, an Iranian scientist and engineer, claims that an Iranian flying saucer technology he developed was used to capture the Sentinel drone about which the mainstream media has been reporting. Does Iran have a space program more advanced than NASA's?

The US spy drone captured by the Iranians. Credit:  AFP

by  Hank Mills with  Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News

Of all the inventors making bold claims on the internet, Iranian nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe is perhaps the most enigmatic, and the most interesting. By allegedly harnessing a fusion reaction that manipulates dark matter, regular matter, and antimatter, he claims to have developed technologies that rival those in science fiction. As we  reported last April, Keshe claims that years ago he gave the Iranian military his technology in order for them to produce flying saucers; and the alleged Iranian flying saucer that had popped up in the news last March was a result of that. He had offered it to NASA, but they poopooed it.

If his statements are true, these craft can do more than just manipulate gravity for propulsion. They can also produce force fields, emit tractor beams, generate unlimited amounts of clean energy, and have inertial damping systems that allow occupants to avoid feeling accelerations.

Keshe is now claiming in a [post] made to his forum on December 13, that this technology was used by Iran to capture the unmanned Sentinel spy drone that the US military had sent over. He states that the drone was snatched out of the air with force fields, and then placed on the ground, without significant damage (as seen in the photo), to be retrieved. This is very different than Iran's official story that claims the drone was captured with a "cyber attack" or hacking. If Keshe's claim is true, then the "official" story from Iran is a spin. According to the mainstream media, the method by which the drone was captured is a mystery. [ Link]

As he continues in his post, Keshe talks about how the Iranian saucer program is more advanced than NASA's space program. He describes it as being "light years" ahead of NASA. However, he makes it clear the technology is not going to be used for aggressive purposes by the Iranian military, but only for peaceful purposes. He describes Iran as a peace-loving nation, which may or may not be accurate.

In the same post, he invites the United States and other nations of the world to negotiate with the Keshe Foundation for full disclosure and use of the technology. It seems that he is serious about wanting the technology to be used for the good of the planet, and not to give one nation's military an advantage over all others. Here is an excerpt.

There is no hacking, but the use of advanced space technology.

In the past, in this forum, and in my presentations around Europe, and in my international interviews in the past months, I have explained again and again that the Keshe Foundation and Iranian spaceship program has the capability of radar blockage and capture of material in airborne condition.

The Islamic republic of Iran has the capability of capture and landing of any flying object irrespective of their size and speed as seen with capture of one of the most advanced flying crafts in these above videos and the request of so called the most advanced nation on earth for its toy back.

In this case, there has been no malfunctioning of the craft, but this has been a simple capture and landing of an object at high speed through advanced space programs.


What he may or may not realize, is that the black-budget, military-industrial-complex based in the United States has been testing advanced air and space craft for decades. Some of these very secret craft are probably using technology reverse-engineered from the extraterrestrial space craft that crashed near Roswell, NM in 1947. After fifty or so years of working with ET technology, the military-industrial-complex more than likely has craft that rival those in Iran's nascent saucer program. The difference is that Keshe offers his technology to mankind, while the military-industrial-complex sequesters their advanced technology for their own nefarious purposes. According to Keshe, Iran just happens to be the first to embrace his technology.

It is difficult to know if Keshe is telling the truth, if he is exaggerating, or if he is delusional. He has made so many extremely amazing claims, it is hard to believe all of them can be true. If they are *all* true, then he has developed every technology needed for humanity to colonize the galaxy. Simply put, we would not need to wait hundreds of years to build the Starship Enterprise, we could build it right now!

For a review of his technology, see our feature page:  peswiki.com

Keshe seems to be starting to provide some limited amount of evidence to back up his assertions. He claims that there was a demonstration during a one and a half hour lecture in Belgium on December 3, 2011, that was organized by the Belford Group of Belgium. According to him, 130 people attended the demonstration. During the event, he asserts a video recording of a laboratory system was shown, that had weight reducing abilities. Afterwards, the actual weight reducing system was demonstrated to the audience. In addition, a 3-4 kilowatt generator was presented, along with an "Oasis" system. You can read the post that describes the lecture,  here.

An  article found on the "wanttoknow.nl" website discusses a lecture he gave in the Netherlands, in November of this year. The author of the article describes how during the lecture he showed a video of a three kilowatt generator, but then claimed he could not demonstrate it there, because the police had stolen it from him.

Repeatedly, Keshe claims to be the victim of suppression by various governments and organizations. For example, in Toronto he had all of his papers stolen by Canadian government officials. If his technology works as he claims, I think suppression of his technology is very likely, because it could change the world if widely adopted.

If Keshe's claims have any veracity, this is one of the most amazing developments taking place on the planet.

Stay tuned for Part II, a report on a 1.5-hour interview Sterling had with Keshe today.

Update December 15, 2011, 9:00 am MST. We have the audio file prepared.

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This story is also published at  BeforeItsNews and  Examiner.

Part II: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer?

Sterling Allan, the founder of PESN, had the opportunity to conduct an hour and a half long interview with Mehran Keshe, the individual who claims to have given Iran the advanced space technology that enabled them to capture a US spy drone.

 mevio.com -  Stream -  Download 90 min ~32 Mb- Interview >  Listen On December 14, Sterling Allan conducted an interview with M.T. Keshe as part of the Free Energy Now series.- - - -

The US spy drone captured by the Iranians. Credit:  AFP

by  Hank Mills with  Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News

Mehran Keshe of the Keshe Foundation claims that the advanced space technology he gave the Iranian military a few years ago, was used to capture the Sentinel spy drone. He claims saucer craft were able to pick the drone out of the sky with force fields, and bring it down from its 20,000 foot cruising altitude to the ground in tact. We reviewed his claims in  part one of this article, titled, "Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer."

Now, Sterling Allan, the founder of PESN, has conducted an hour and a half long interview with Keshe. The interview spans a wide array of topics, covering everything from Iranian saucer technology, free energy technology, and even global politics.

As the interview began, Keshe reiterated his claim that the Iranian military used advanced space technology (far beyond anything NASA may have) to capture the Sentinel spy drone. He claims the proof of this is that the drone was barely damaged in the photos released by the Iranian military. According to him, if the drone had been shot down or simply hacked into, it would have crashed and been destroyed.

The guidance technology on that drone is the most sophisticated navigation technology on the planet, at least among the non-black-budget projects. Interception required jamming the guidance signal that would trigger it to self-destruct in the case of hacking or other interference.

Allegedly, the technology used by the Iranian military to build their saucer fleet was given to them by the Keshe Foundation. The technology does not only offer an advanced means of propulsion, but also inertial damping, tractor beams, force fields, and the ability to jam radar. He states that although the Iranian military was the first to acquire the technology, he has also given the technology to the Belgian government, along with another undisclosed nation. He claims that Canada stole some of his technology when they seized all his papers and materials when he was on a trip through Toronto.

When it comes to the potential use of the technology for warfare, Keshe stated that he wants all nations to acquire the technology. He claims if all nations have the technology, then no nation will have an advantage over others who do not; and its primary advantage is defensive, not offensive.

A variation of the same technology that is said to allow for advanced propulsion is also asserted to allow for the clean production of electricity. Keshe is taking deposits for both 3-4 kilowatt power generators that require a 500 Euro deposit, and 10 kilowatt power generators that require a 2,000 Euro deposit. The full price of the 3-4 kilowatt system is five thousand Euro, and the full price of the 10 kilowatt system is twenty thousand Euro. However, he stated the prices for both systems are about to go up, due to high demand. During the interview he explained how these systems are far more economical and advantageous than solar powered systems. They run twenty four hours a day, unlike solar panels that only operate in the day time, and they are cheaper than solar power systems. They also are claimed to only require refueling once every thirty to fifty years. These systems are also sealed to prevent anyone from opening them up and seeing how they work.

Keshe claims they started manufacturing the first ten thousand units six months ago. The first units should start shipping to customers in about six months. He mentioned that if the units are not shipped within 12 months the deposits will be returned. He described how the deposits are sitting in a secure bank account, completely untouched. A story was told about how once someone complained about how the deposits were being managed. Keshe said that two governments examined the bank account the deposits were held in, and determined everything was in order.

In the near future, after the ten thousand units are delivered, the profits generated will be used to open a university where students will learn about the technology. They had approached established universities requesting access to their facilities, but their requests were denied.

A long conversation began about the concept of free energy, and the implications in regards to government revenue. Keshe made it clear that he did not want to disrupt the status-quo, and was cooperating with governments to make sure they would be able to tax the energy produced by his systems, or the systems themselves. It seems he thinks taxes on fuel and energy are the main source of revenue for many nations, and there are no alternatives. Sterling Allan brought up the idea of reducing the size of government so such taxes would not be needed. Keshe still insisted taxes would be needed.

Repeatedly, he stated that people have the wrong idea about free energy, because they will not be able to use it without paying taxes on it. If people did not pay taxes on free energy, kids would not be educated, the old would not be looked after, infrastructure would deteriorate, etc... My opinion is that free energy technology will stimulate the economy so much that no such taxes will be needed, because the tax revenue from other sources will increase. For example, if more people get jobs due to new factories being built to manufacture millions of free energy devices, then they will actually be earning money so they will have to pay more to the income tax. In addition, they will be buying more goods so they will be paying more sales tax. They will be paying other taxes as well. Right now, one reason why so many nations are bankrupt is because their people are bankrupt. When people are broke and out of work, they are not paying taxes. If free energy technology can put people to work, then governments will be able to generate revenue without creating any new taxes.

According to Keshe, he has been given one or two lectures a week for many months. Most of these lectures have been held in Europe. He claims to have demonstrated multiple technologies in a recent lecture in Belgium, but he required that everyone put their cameras and cell phones in black bags, to prevent any pictures from being taken. In 2012 there will be many more such lectures. The lectures will also have different topics. Some of them will be about the energy producing aspects of the technology, others will be about the medical applications, and others will be about the space travel aspect of the technology. Many of these lectures will be held at the Keshe Foundation facilities that have a room that can host 130 people.

Keshe sees his technology as benefiting space travel more than anything else. It allegedly solves all the problems relating to space flight.

Here is a short list of what it is capable of accomplishing, according to him.

  • Extremely fast speeds that would allow for rapid travel through the solar system and beyond. A round trip to Mars, with a stop at the moon, would take a few days.
  • Deflector fields that can destroy tiny particles that could impact and destroy a vehicle traveling at high speed.
  • Friction removal, so there is no effect from environmental friction as the vehicle travels through the atmosphere.
  • Inertial damping so that the occupants of a craft would not feel accelerations.
  • Force fields that can block space radiation.
  • Artificial gravity so that the occupants would be able to live and work just like they do on Earth, without having to worry about the effect of weightlessness on their body.
  • Invisibility or cloaking technology.
  • Replicators or the ability to turn energy into food and water.
  • Healing technology to address injuries or sickness that might arise.

Over the last year he has also gained new supporters, and describes the Keshe Foundation as being "cash rich." He claims they do not need partners to help manufacture products. They have the money and facilities they need. If a serious company wants to distribute products, they can come to them and put in an order. When the products are ready they will be notified, and they can pick them up.

When Sterling asked who should a potential interested party contact to get confirmation the technology works, Keshe stated that they show everything to serious parties. If a company is interested in the technology, they should go directly to the foundation. They would provide them with the information they need. However, they ignore the "lunatics" that are not serious, and do not really want to help them.

Other technologies the Keshe Foundation is working on were also talked about. They have medical technologies that are claimed to allow paralyzed individuals to re-gain their ability to walk. Some time ago they offered to use the technology to help congresswoman Giffords, who was shot in the head. Also, they claim to have a technology that can create water and food anywhere -- on Earth or in space. For space travel, it is claimed the technology transforms the gaseous carbon that is emitted from breathing into solid carbon, that can "have some things added to it", and can be consumed as food. This product is claimed to be in human trials.

Keshe announced during the interview that a deal had been made to commercialize devices using his technology that somehow produces water by extracting it from the humidity in the air. Instead of using condensation methods, the technology uses magnetic fields. The resulting water is said to be completely pure. This would be potentially a better solution than obtaining water from condensation systems, because pollution from the atmosphere can contaminate the water they produce. Keshe's method allegedly attracts only the water molecules from the surrounding, and nothing else.

The subject of Iran's image around the world was also discussed. Keshe repeatedly claimed that Iran is a peaceful nation. He claims that Iran will never use the saucer technology to attack other nations. However, he did say that if the United States or another nation sent a missile to hit Iran, that they have the technology to send it back at whoever sent it, or to deflect it out to space, because nuclear explosions anywhere on earth impact the entire planet, as illustrated by the Chernoble and Fukushima disasters.

During the call he also thanked Iran and Belgium for supporting his research.

When the topic of UFOs was brought up, Keshe made it clear he does not think extraterrestrials are visiting our planet. He thinks that there is life elsewhere in the universe, but ETs are not flying in our skies. Despite the fact that nations like the United States have black budget programs working on advanced, top secret aircraft, he does not think that there is any space technology in the world that can compete with his.

It is difficult to determine the truth about these claims. I see three possibilities.

  1. Keshe is the most important scientist in the history of mankind, and is about to push humanity into an amazing new era of almost "too good to be true" technology.
  2. Keshe has a theory and is working on a product, but is exaggerating about what has been accomplished with the technology.
  3. Keshe is delusional and needs mental help. 

I think that all three of the above have about an equal probability of being true.

Regardless if he is a hero or an insane madman, his story is interesting. I'm really hoping he is telling the truth, and his claims are accurate. If they are, the future is about to become very exciting!

Source:  pesn.com

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