09/10/2024 lewrockwell.com  5min 🇬🇧 #258164

Uncovering World Tyranny and Its War Strategies

By David Icke and Peter Koenig
 Global Research

October 9, 2024

Everyone interested in where we are going in this dystopian civilization and ever-more tyrannical world, must see this extraordinary interview with David Icke by Kla.TV.

It can, and hopefully does, bring a larger awakening to the people around the globe.

David Icke talks about the corralling of the world population into ever smaller spaces under the pretext of "climate change" that requires a "net-zero" CO2 world, no travel, no industry, promoting the "15-minute cities". It is absurd.

"Zero-Net" - by 2050 - is propagated by the globalists as a must for humanity's and Mother Earth's survival. It will not happen. Humanity will survive.

And all this while they - the self-declared masters of the universe - namely the financial establishment know very well that CO2 is a life essential gas; without which there would be no life, no plants, no food, no economic development - no-nothing.

But the believers in authority follow the masters' orders and practically commit suicide by following and obeying a lie, attempting the reduction to zero of CO2.

David explains how world events are connected. With a little research and a clear-thinking head, you will find that all major geopolitical, socioeconomic events are not just haphazardly occurring side by side or in certain sequences, they are all linked up throughout the world. So, connecting the dots, you will see that we are living in a well-orchestrated web, where all makes sense - for those who are in command of the web - and to the detriment of the vast bulk of populations.

There is a tiny-tiny elite behind the web, pretending to have all the power, only because we believe all the lies from our government and institutional so-called authorities, dictated to them by this elite.

We have been taught in school to trust in authority and to obey authorities. It is a difficult axiom to break.

The constant drill of the mainstream media assures a steady drop-by-drop indoctrination of lies becoming the truth.

David Icke also describes how true non-mainstream media some 20 years ago, gradually was converted into "mainstream alternative" media, also called "controlled opposition" by the big media outlets, Murdoch, Disney, Warner Brothers and more.

As a new, controlled alternative media, he mentioned Tucker Carlson, among others. They are promoted and funded by Big Tech and Big Finance, but cannot trespass their given boundaries.

The TRUE non-mainstream and independent remaining journalists and news sites are cornered, cyber-attacked and censored. That is how a small group of financial and big-tech oligarchs takes ever more control of society.

We MUST break out from this giant net or worldwide matrix controlled by a tiny elite that controls technology, finance, and decides over our heath or death, through WHO, supported by Big Pharma. Exiting the matrix is our condition to become free and sovereign citizens again.

And, yes, we can -by becoming self-asserted and independent thinkers, joining up with others and together breaking the elite-bullies "rules-based order" back to legality, international, national and local laws, respecting one another, and respecting the rights of people, indigenous, westerners, easterners, Africans and Middle Easterners and whatever ethnicity you may find.

We are all the same.

Our souls are not bound to a pyramid order of hierarchy.

They are equal.

David's motto is: "Know the goal, then you will see the way leading there!" In the interview he shows that even free educators are in danger of supporting the development of a centrally dictated global dystopia.

David Icke, the Dot-Connector, starts the interview by saying,

"If you look at the world as a series of random events, random happenings, it makes no sense. Why do they do that? Why do they do it this way? Why don't they do it that way? It would be much better if they did it that way. And so on and so forth. Why does this happen? But when you connect the dots, you connect these events, you find that they do all connect. It suddenly makes all sense. And, you know, people say sometimes about me:"You see a conspiracy everywhere.""

"No, I do not. I see one conspiracy to turn the world into a global dystopia. And that one conspiracy has endless facets and forms. But it is actually one conspiracy. It is one gigantic web. And that is literally true in terms of what I call the Global Cult, which is a global network of secret societies which are operating outside or in the shadows from those that appear to be running the world."

David's clear-sight points to a key element that may lead us into a dystopian world. Our societal behavior is based on our perception. The perceptions are based on the messages we receive. The Global Cult that pretends to control us, formulates the messages as lies, to make us believe there is a problem, the people react, then they can present, or impose us a solution.

He calls it simply, "Problems, Reaction, Solution".

David uses the recent example of covid. He says,

"People caved in to the COVID hoax because they perceived there was a dangerous virus. And they perceived, that the fake vaccine, not a vaccine under previous criteria, was a way to save them from the dangerous virus.

That perception led to people submitting to what were fascistic impositions all over the world. So, if you want to control behavior, you must control perception. And if you control behavior, well, collectively, that is what we call human society. And then you ask the question, where do perceptions come from? Well, they come from information received".

And information is controlled and manipulated to serve the purpose of the controllers.

David Icke's presentation is brilliant. It is a MUST-SEE for every truth seeker.

See the full video  here or by clicking the image below.

The original source of this article is  Global Research.

