27/11/2023 4 articles strategic-culture.su  8min 🇬🇧 #238120

Is Dublin Burning?

Declan Hayes

As Americans tucked into their Thanksgiving Day turkeys, Ireland was rocked by its first ever  mass stabbing of children exiting a Dublin kindergarten school.

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As Americans tucked into their Thanksgiving Day turkeys, Ireland was rocked by its first ever  mass stabbing of children exiting a Dublin kindergarten school, which was followed only hours later by the  worst riots Dublin has witnessed since Sinn Féin's 1981 betrayals of the H Block hunger strikers. On hearing the news as it unfolded, I surmised it was either a heroin addict, a family issue or one of the countless undocumented foreigners the Irish government has flooded the country with as part of NATO's efforts to turn all of western Europe into a war-compliant wasteland. As the alleged culprit, who was beaten within an inch of his worthless life by  Brazilians and other praise worthy passers by, seems to be  a middle aged Algerian man, a mixture of all three of those reasons may still be to blame. As central Dublin is awash with all three types of flotsam, do yourself a favour and scrub visiting it; it is, as the  American and allied embassies have warned, simply too dangerous and too expensive to be worth the effort.

And skip the rest of Ireland while you are at it, as women taking midday jogs in their home towns are now prime targets for psychotic Slovakian criminals and  Kurds are castrating and decapitating homosexuals, whilst ISIS are busy murdering Japanese interpreters.

Horrific as all those attacks on innocent Irish children and adults were, in shades of the CIA's Black Lives Matter front group, this most recent outrage against Dublin children was quickly overshadowed by the ensuing riots and looting that will cost  tens of millions of euros to put some way to rights.

As the heaviest rioting occurred near the General Post Office (GPO), from where the iconic 1916 Rebellion was directed (and beside which  adult males have recently been gang raped), thыщсшese latter events afford this article an excellent opportunity to assess revolutionary Ireland's past, present and future.

The first relevant thing to note about 1916 is that James Connolly, the head of the GPO garrison, ordered his troops not only to  fire on the rioters and looters of his day but to shoot to kill. The next thing to note about Connolly is that he imagined, in his absolute innocence and ignorance of events in Europe, that the Britis

h would not bring their heavy guns to bear on his adopted city. The British  gunboat Helga, which levelled much of the GPO and its surrounds, quickly put him to rights on that score.

Such historical idiosyncrasies are important to mention as they show that, even during those golden revolutionary years Yeats'  indomitable Irishry, despite their  Labour syndicalism,  agrarian Fenianism and their robust Catholicism, had not the faintest clue where they were going politically. Although Sinn Féin opportunists reaped most of the political dividends from those years, what really tipped the scales in their favour were the sobering reports emanating from the Somme and other notorious Great War slaughter houses, as well as the solid protest votes in election after rigged election of the unbowed Irish that followed.

Whatever good came out of that revolutionary struggle was quickly lost in the MI6-instigated Civil War that followed, where the victors, backed to the hilt by MI6's Anglican cult, had to make the best of a very bad lot. The country was in ruin and the Anglicans and their henchmen still controlled the main industries of beer, bullocks, bread and biscuits, as well as Trinity College, the Irish Times, the Bank of Ireland and the country's other key nodes of influence, which continue to serve King, Country and NATO Empire to this day.

Whatever upward mobility existed was due almost in its entirety to the sacrifices of generations of male and female Catholic religious, who were used as more or less free labour by the incoming regime to train a largely ungrateful peasantry, who idolised their secular leaders just as a Slavic serf might have slobbered over his own master a century earlier. Although successive governments had some successes, most notably in forming semi-state bodies and in housing to clear the country's notorious slums, it was very much an uphill battle to survive in the cut and thrust of international commerce.

Although much could be written about the past, the present is an economy that lurches from one election to the other, where American owned pharmaceutical and hi tech companies drive the economy, where accommodation must be made for all of those refugees and pretend refugees America wants to colonise us with and where those who seek to milk the fruits of office must be slaves to Uncle Sam. Thus, as high tax rates and higher property prices drive young, aspiring Irish couples to seek their fortunes in America, Dubai or far away Australia, Slovakian, Algerian and Kurdish criminal groups flow into the country in unsustainable numbers. The government, parroting the lines their EU and NATO bosses feed them, cackle that having these hordes of killers and loafers in our midst is our strength.

Although the rioters, if they could formulate a coherent sentence,  would argue that all this immigration is stifling the Irish, it is also stifling hard working immigrants, who must work all the hours God sends them just to pay the extortionate rents they must pay for the right to live here. But then, they too, are just lambs to the slaughter, here to fatten the Americans the local political and other collaborators who surrendered this country and all there in to them so slavishly serve.

On that latter point, Ireland's comprador radical left sicken me to the hilt. Not only, for example, are they not the radical pro-Palestinians they claim to be but they work in collusion with the Americans and their puppets to further the interests of America and her allies. This can be seen where these scumbags have been active collaborators in NATO's wars against both Syria and Russia and where their MPs actively opposed a motion condemning the slaughter of Shia children in Syria by Irish-based ISIS "activists". When it comes to international solidarity, the job of those groups is to divide, conquer and emasculate on behalf of their American masters any support there may be for the genuine victims of U.S. terror in Syria, Libya or Ukraine. In that, they are no different from their equivalents in Britain or anywhere else, who all march to the same NATO drum.

So, to look at recent events in Dublin from a longer historical perspective, although the 1916 Rebellion was a work of aesthetic vandalism, its proponents would rightly or wrongly argue that, unlike Hitler's spiteful Is Paris Burning? question to General von Choltitz, there was method in their particular form of madness. But no such reasoning can be put forward to defend this more recent rioting and looting, which has been blamed on a phantom far right, which is as much a creation of MI6's media as it is of reality. The looting was the latest in a series of nihilistic protests which dominated last winter's news cycle. Not only has the Irish regime, working on behalf of its NATO paymaster, put tens of thousands of males of military age into communities up and down the country, but they have the full backing of Sinn Féin and all the other pro-American pretend radical groups to do that. The job of these hooligans is to demonise and make toxic all opposition to this ongoing trend. Like the left and the centre, they have no politics, no direction and no brains beyond what any other rioter, football hooligan or opportunist low life criminal elsewhere might have.

'Extraordinary demonisation' of the public in Dublin following riots over stabbings , is the loathsome Sky News Australia with the equally loathsome Douglas Murray making excuses for these no less loathsome Irish criminals. When such slugs as those are on your side, you can be sure MI6, the CIA and ASIO are playing you for the fool that you are. Because the only way to escape their wiles is to have a coherent, broad based, informed, educated and motivated coalition, NATO know that, as long as they can continue to throw up these nihilistic Pied Pipers to divert the masses, their empire and all the riches that flow to them from it will not be under threat in Ireland or any similar backwater.


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The Dublin Riots and Blm - a Comparison of Reactions


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Last Thursday afternoon, news would spread throughout Ireland of a horrific knife attack on three young schoolchildren and their teacher outside a Gaelscoil (Irish-language school) in Dublin city centre. At the time of writing, the youngest of the victims, a five year old girl, remains gravely ill in hospital.

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 Is Dublin Burning?

Full-Blown Revolution in Ireland? Overthrow of Government?

By Jon Rappoport


December 1, 2023

Or just a few days of protest over an Algerian immigrant stabbing Irish children outside a school?

Things could explode in massive fury, because the government is trying to push through a new Hate Speech law.

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