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25/07/2024  2min #253377

Balance des paiements : surendettée, la France dépendante des capitaux étrangers La balance des paiements de la France 2024

publié le 25/07/2024 Par Olivier Berruyer

La balance des paiements de la France connaît toujours un déficit très élevé malgré certaines forces de l'économie française que sont le commerce des services et les revenus reçus de l'étranger. Le coût de la facture énergétique, qui a baissé par rapport à 2022 mais qui reste très élevé, a conduit l'État à s'endetter encore plus auprès de l'étranger, ce qui a fait exploser notre dette extérieure.

24/07/2024  9min 🇬🇧 #253296

Now Comes the Great Cackle That Saved America

By David Stockman

David Stockman's Contra Corner

July 24, 2024

Hurrah, they finally took away Grandpa Joe's keys. Fortunately, the political upheaval that is sure to follow is no joke. Actually, it begs to turn out more like the Great Cackle that saved America.

What we mean is that the collective Dem Hive on the banks of the Potomac not only defenestrated "Joe Biden" from a second floor White House window, and did so unceremoniously and without regard for his frail infirmities, but it also effectively knee-capped the credibility of the whole Democrat Party by coronating Kamala Harris in one instantaneous fell swoop.

23/07/2024  3min 🇬🇧 #253211

Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes of Inflation

By Ron Paul, MD

The Ron Paul Institute

July 23, 2024

The 2024 Republican platform promises that, if Donald Trump returns to the White House and Republicans gain complete control of Congress, they will reduce inflation. The platform contains some proposals, such as reducing regulations and extending the 2017 tax reductions, that may help lower prices in some sectors and spur economic growth. However, the GOP platform does not address how the Federal Reserve's enabling of spendaholic politicians contributes to price inflation.

22/07/2024  5min 🇬🇧 #253130

Twisters on the Horizon: Is This Decade a Re-Make of 'That 70s Show'?

By Charles Hugh Smith

July 22, 2024

If we're in a re-make of 'That 70s Show', the plot twists-and twisters heading our way-may be far wilder than we can currently imagine.

I've often written about the 1970s, as it is a profoundly misunderstood decade in so many ways. As one example, the enormous expense of retooling America's industrial base to clean up pollution and become more efficient that I described in The 1970s (January 22, 2023) added to the stagflationary dynamics of the decade (trillions invested with no immediate increase in productivity or profits) but eventually paid enormous dividends in the decades that followed.

20/07/2024  19min #253032

La grande arnaque du « jour de libération fiscale »

publié le 20/07/2024 Par Olivier Berruyer

Le niveau de dépenses publiques est une tarte à la crème du débat médiatique monopolisé par les néolibéraux, qui ne cessent de faire passer notre pays pour une sorte d'enfer fiscal où les citoyens, et surtout les plus riches, seraient maltraités par un État obèse dont les impôts matraqueraient le secteur privé, toujours présenté comme étant le seul « productif ».

20/07/2024  10min 🇬🇧 #253013

Fed's Fake Victory Over Inflation

By David Stockman

David Stockman's Contra Corner

July 20, 2024

If you don't think the Fed has become an abject handmaid of the Wall Street gamblers, take a gander at the chart below. Owing to the slight down-tick in this week's monthly CPI report, the outcry for rate cuts is reaching a deafening roar down in the trading pits. And judging by Powell's presser on Wednesday, the Fed is fixing to bend over soon, bar of soap in outstretched hand.