07/02/2024 9 articles strategic-culture.su  4min 🇬🇧 #242363

Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War

Martin Jay

Tucker Carleson is about to bring the truth to the American people. But are they ready for it? 

In the seventies, when the cold war was at its peak, Donald Rumsfeld was convinced that the Atlantic Ocean, off the U.S. coast, was teaming with Russian submarines. The U.S. navy couldn't detect them because, he was convinced, the Soviets had a new 'acoustic technology' which made them effectively invisible. Rumsfeld went ahead and ploughed billions of dollars into developing a new technology which could detect the non-acoustic subs. But that failed and is still costing the U.S. taxpayer today. The truth was in fact, the Soviet subs just weren't there.

The error on the part of Rumsfeld, it could be argued, still paid dividends as scaring the American public into believing a threat is real and imminent - on your doorstep in fact - is very profitable for a government which wishes to achieve two clear objectives: pouring billions into the pockets of defence contractors; and secondly whipping up fear of an imminent war with an enemy, with the sold objective of distracting the public away from a failing economy and abysmal foreign policy.

It's happening today. If we look at the mainstream news all we see is talk of war with Russia. And yet there isn't a single shred of intel which these outlets can offer to substantiate this claim. It will remind many of the weeks leading up the Iraq invasion in 2003 when the U.S. and UK faked intel to show that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.

Western elites are guiding journalists to write this nonsense as their bigger plan is to stir up a frenzy of war talk so as to prepare the public for much bigger defence spending and, in the case of the UK, even conscription. This is really about covering up one of the biggest cock-ups in contemporary history which western governments have made - sanctions against Russia and the NATO campaign in Ukraine - which have backfired so spectacularly that the Biden administration and a number of EU governments are united in this scaremongering, believing it's a winner.

Of course the "we're going to war with Russia" comes from the White House. Where else? Only the U.S. has that sort of power with an increasingly craven, pathetic EU which is now so servile to the Biden administration that it's beginning to make the UK look less of a poodle to the Americans.

The whole scam is American and the Europeans are obliging with it in a big way. The only real threat the plan has of not working is if a few, remote feral corners of the media - or mavericks who were fired by media giants - make a stand and call it out for what it is. Which is why Tucker Carlson's trip to Moscow where he intends to interview Putin is so important and such a threat to the Biden administration and western elites as a whole. When Carlson interviews the Russian leader and it becomes clear that western media have been lying for so long about the Ukraine war and even this latest ruse of Russia wanting to invade eastern Europe, then the whole scam will collapse.

Clearly the West is worried about the interview. They have already wheeled out enough congressmen on social media to try and brandish Carlson as some sort of traitor who should not be allowed back into the U.S. Western media will probably not report on the interview but this will only make it a bigger hit on social media. The interview is really the only single opportunity for this mad war machine to be halted, for the lies to be exposed and for a more salient approach to East-West relations to begin. It should not be underestimated. But the knifes are out. Watch in particular the embedded western media correspondents who live in Moscow push the blade into Carlson's back and mock the interview in a bid to discredit the whole thing. Scores of millions of Americans are about to be enlightened on a whole plethora of issues which, until now, their own media have lied to them about. To call this interview a bombshell would be an understatement. Tucker Carleson is about to bring the truth to the American people. But are they ready for it?


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46 articles 09/02/2024 youtube.com #242509

 Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War

Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

09/02/2024 francais.rt.com  5min #242491

 Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War

Poutine répond à Tucker Carlson : l'interview tant attendue

Crédit : Tucker Carlson Network.

«Cette interview a été filmée le 6 février au Kremlin», a expliqué d'emblée Tucker Carlson face caméra, avant de lancer l'entretien tant attendu. Une introduction nécessaire aux yeux du journaliste, qui dit avoir interviewé le dirigeant russe sur le conflit en Ukraine, pour savoir «comment il a commencé, comment il se déroule et comment il pourrait prendre fin».

09/02/2024 euro-synergies.hautetfort.com  4min #242488

 Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War

Pourquoi l'interview de Tucker Carlson est-elle considérée comme un tournant pour l'Occident et la Russie?

Pourquoi l'interview de Tucker Carlson est-elle considérée comme un tournant pour l'Occident et la Russie?

Alexander Douguine

Source: geopolitika.ru

Commençons par la partie la plus simple : la Russie. Tucker Carlson est devenu le point de convergence de deux pôles opposés au sein de la société russe : les patriotes idéologiques et les élites occidentalistes qui restent néanmoins fidèles à Poutine et à l'opération militaire spéciale.

09/02/2024 mondialisation.ca  13min #242470

 Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War

La folie Tucker au service des États-Unis d'Amérique

Par Scott Ritter

L'ancien animateur de talk-show de Fox News devenu un phénomène médiatique indépendant, Tucker Carlson, est à Moscou, où il a commis le péché mortel d'interviewer le président russe Vladimir Poutine. L'interview doit être diffusée à 18 heures East Time [minuit à Paris], le jeudi 8 février. Aucun doute n'est permis : Tucker Carlson a réussi l'un des exploits journalistiques les plus mémorables de l'histoire moderne, et lorsque l'interview sera diffusée, elle enflammera internet, au sens propre comme au sens figuré.